Passing a driving test and getting a license to drive does not make a safe driver. Many teenage drivers nationwide, including Michigan, are overwhelmed by excitement when they finally have the freedom to take to the roads as solo drivers. Being licensed to drive does...
Senior drivers face age-related challenges
Aging happens gradually, and senior drivers in Michigan and across the country may not notice the slow decline in their driving abilities. Not only are there physical changes with which to deal, but motor vehicles as well as the act of driving have gone through...
Car safety’s role in safe driving
After years of driving with no adverse incidents, drivers in Michigan might become complacent and overlook the need to ensure their vehicles are safe. Neglected maintenance can lead to car accidents. When that happens, they put their own and the lives of passengers...
How a car crash can impact your body’s resilience
Most Michiganders are aware that -- despite seat belts, airbags and other protective devices in vehicles -- the impact of a collision can exceed the limits of the body’s resilience. The severity of injuries typically depends on where car occupants were seated, whether...